Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Easter 2012

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!
We had a low-key Easter holiday, after a very busy 1st Birthday weekend. Madison's Nana, Florence, was able to join us for the weekend. We enjoyed a weekend with mild weather, attended a community Easter event and had a nice Sunday celebration. Madison did excellent during the morning mass and enjoyed hunting for eggs in the afternoon. What a difference from last year, when tiny Madison was not even 1 month old!

I wanted to dye eggs with Maddie so bad - but forgot that the eggs need to be hard-boiled. Opps!

Hunting for eggs with Daddy and Dawson

Our pretty Easter table - thank you Pinterest for the yummy dessert idea!

Dawson wanted to get in on all the Easter fun!

Maddie with her Easter Basket - don't mind that the "pom poms" from her birthday are still up - I can't bring myself to take them down!

I LOVE this picture with Maddie & Nana! Too cute!

Thanks for checking in on us!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Madison's 1st Birthday

Happy Birthday to Madison!

We had such a wonderful weekend celebrating her first year. Lainy and Papa came in from Missouri and Aunt Kate came from North Dakota for her actual 1st Birthday - the 30th. We spent the afternoon at Pullen Park. This amazing park filled with train rides, carousel rides and people watching! We topped the day off with yummy frozen custard!

On Madison's actual birthday the Castile family (Nana Florence, Aunt Michelle and "uncle Jimi," Aunt Christy and Uncle Brad) joined us in Cary. The house filled with all of Madison's (and Mommy & Daddy's) closet friends. It was such an amazing day!

Here's some 1st Birthday Stats -

Weight: 20lbs 2 oz, 28 inches long (40% for both)

Eating: After a month long hiatus from eating, Madison is back to eating almost anything we put in front of her! She loves fruit and waffles. Veggies continue to be a struggle, but she'll tolerate them. She drinks Vit D milk from a sippy cup (15-20oz a day).

Sleeping: Madison sleeps 7-730ish each night. She naps at 10 and 2 for anywhere from 45 min to an 1hour and half. We read a book or 2 and always "Good Night Pookie." She lays down awake and falls asleep quickly. She needs a few minutes on her own to wake up. If we go to get her too quickly, she's very crabby!

Development: Madison babbles lots! She tries to imitate our words, but only "b" words. She is walking independently for short distances (3-20 steps). She loves to walk outside on the grass with her hands held. She flies around the house with the push toy, but prefers help to steer. Madison turns book pages and loves to put things in containers.

Favorites: Madison loves to be read to! She likes Sesame Street - for about 3 minutes. She continues to be most fussy from 5-6pm, but is easily distracted. Madison loves to be outside swinging or going for a run!
She is tons of fun, delightful and always and adventure. What a great first year!