Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sneak Peak

Welcome! We thought this might be a - albeit slightly bandwagonish - good way to communicate with our friends and family. As we are eagerly anticipating the arrival of Miss Madison Kay we find we have new things to share with you each day. And while our parents are great about expressing excitement with our frequent phone calls - this blog will provide a more "drop in - take a look - and leave as you wish" attitude!
It is to be determined how much we really keep this up - but perhaps after sharing it with you, we'll be held more accountable to it.
As an opening - we'd like to provide you all with a sneak peak of the baby. After being on the fence for several months, we finally decided to give the elective 3D/4D ultrasound a shot and we were not disappointed with the results. I made a lot of fun of the dvd set to music, but that same evening, Ryan and I enjoyed it during our "dinner and a movie." It makes a very surreal experience (aka pregnancy) a little more realistic.
And here are a few of the best shots:

She gave us some great shots. And, proved to be very into yoga already, as she had her little feet up by her face throughout the entire photo shoot. They did double confirm for us that she is, in fact, a she! Whew....you all know how worried I've been with the amount of pink that has been purchased!

Thanks for checking in on us! More to come.

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