Madison is very lucky to have exceptional grandparents. She (aka we) certainly do not give them enough thanks for all they do for Madison and for us. She has such wonderful role-models and so, so, so much love!
Wishing her grandparents all a very happy Grandparent's Day!!
Madison is fortunate to have her Nana that lives in North Carolina, Florence. So far, Madison has been able to see Nana fairly close to monthly! Nana is so much fun and is always ready to play and read and snuggle with Madison. Here's a peek at some of her favorite Nana-moments!
Easter 2012 with Nana
Sweet Snuggles from Nana
Madison's maternal Grandmparents, Lainy & Papa, have done an amazing job playing an active-role in her life, even from Missouri! Madison get's to see them about once a month and even traveled to MO once to visit them. We know that she looks forward to visiting again for Thanksgiving.
Madison had such a great time in Ocracoke Island this past summer (2012) with Lainy & Papa
Maddie with Lainy and Papa in NY in Summer 2011.

Madison loves when Lainy and Papa come to visit. There is so much playing, laughing and snuggling (when she can sit still long enough)!
Madison's paternal Grand-dad, Paul, is lots of fun! She had a lot of fun during his recent visit and thought he was so funny!
Thank you so much to our parents! We are definitely better parents because of you all, our parents! We are so fortunate that Madison has you all to spend time with, learn from and love.
A very Happy Grandparent's Day to you all!!!
And, a special wish for our Grandmother's...Grandma Kay and Grandma Angie. Lots and lots of love!
Madison with her Great-Grandma Angie